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les rouleaux

, 06:29 - Lien permanent

Nick Selway volcan Hawai les rouleaux brûlants.jpeg
photographe : Nick Selway
Two daredevil photographers have risked their lives to become the first people to capture the explosive moment fiery lava crashes into the sea – while in the water themselves. Fearless duo Nick Selway, 28, and pal CJ Kale, 35, brave baking hot 110F (43,3C) waters to snap the amazing images – standing just feet away from scalding heat and floating lava bombs. Using a simple protective casing around their cameras, and donning just swimming shorts and flippers, they bob up and down with the water as the surf washes over their heads. (Photo by Nick Selway/CJ Kale/Caters News Agency)
tag : lave

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