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les salamandres ne vivent pas dans le feu

, 09:06

Chinese giant salamander (娃娃鱼) a.k.a ‘baby fish’ due to the sound they make that sounds like a baby crying.

The Chinese giant salamander is one of the largest salamanders and one of the largest amphibians in the world. It is fully aquatic and is endemic to rocky mountain streams and lakes in the Yangtze river basin of central China.

The Chinese giant salamander is considered to be a “living fossil”. Although protected under Chinese laws, its population has faced severe declined over the last 70 years and is currently (2022) listed as threatened. There are evidence indicating that the Chinese giant salamander may be composed of at least five cryptic species, further compounding each individual species’ endangerment.

Here is a video of a 200-year-old Chinese giant salamander that was found in a cave.

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Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira ! Les chinoises à la lanterne

, 06:59

See See Rotary 4038 X  Gabrielle Rayça ira les chinoises à la lanterne.jpg, janv. 2022
See See Rotary 4038 X, Gabrielle Ray

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thé de Chine aux larmes de jeune fille

, 09:05

Zhong Lin thé aux larmes.jpg, janv. 2022
Zhong Lin

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内府故宮供用 (nei fu gong yong « À utiliser dans le palais intérieur »

, 11:28

Chinese wine jar with turquoise glaze and gilt copper-bound mouth rim 1600-1700 AD jarre à vin.jpg, déc. 2021
Chinese wine jar with turquoise glaze and gilt copper-bound mouth rim 1600-1700 AD / Porcelaine à glaçure turquoise et bord métallique Jingdezhen, province du Jiangxi 江西省, 景德鎮 Ming à la dynastie Qing, vers 1600-1700 après JC
jarre à vin de chine

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j'ai une vie sociale, je prends les transports en commun

, 16:41

driverless electric bus, bus électrique autonome sans chauffeur, Guangzhou, China

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