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les grosses poitrines sur internet

, 07:31

les grosses poitrines sur internet
tags : tutos youtube, tiktok, petits seins

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les gueules brûlées

, 06:21

Pavel Volkov Anya Boldyreva is 30 years old At the age of seven months she was seriously injured by a fire that occurred in the house where the child was for an unknown reason les gueules brûlées.jpg, mai 2023
les gueules brûlées
Pavel Volkov : Phoenix. Anya Boldyreva is 30 years old. At the age of seven months she was seriously injured by a fire that occurred in the house where the child was for an unknown reason. (site web)
Légende : Picture shows Anya Boldyreva, 30, from the small village of Zhuravka in the Russian region of Voronezh who suffered severe burns to her face when a fire broke out at home when she was only seven months old. (@pavelvolkovphoto/Newsflash) A young woman who was put on display to raise cash by her grandmother after her face was horrifically burned in a house blaze when she was a baby is finally building a new life for herself after finding a man and having a daughter., , Anya Boldyreva, 30, from the small village of Zhuravka in the Russian region of Voronezh, suffered severe burns to her face when a fire broke out at home when she was only seven months old., , Horrifically scarred, Anya was sent to an orphanage and spent several years there until her grandparents came and took her to live with them., , She told Newsflash: “My grandparents took good care of me, living with them was good.", , But she said the family were very poor and added: "My grandmother and I always travelled around cities, she showed my burned face to people for cash. This was our only way of making money back then.”, , Anya admitted that she was very conscious of her appearance and once even tried to kill herself., , She also dreamed of undergoing plastic surgery, but had no financial means to consider it a realistic option., , Anya said: “While I was waiting at a train station with my grandmother one day, I saw another girl with a burned face like mine., , “We talked and I asked her how she got her injuries. The girl was electrocuted. To me, her face looked worse than mine. That day, I realised I was not alone.”, , Later in life, Anya got married and try to start again but has been left at the same time that she discovered she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter., , Anya told Newsflash: "My daughter's name is Dasha, she is 11 years old. She is used to my face.", , She was also lucky enough she says to have met Alexey, who she is now living with as her common-law husband. Alexey is a farm worker and she says that although the family hardly has enough money for food and clothes, they have each other., , But the couple suffered a further setback when their poor home was hit by another house blaze, although this time she and her family managed to get out unscathed. The fire was caused by an electrical fault and they lost most of their personal belongings., , She has however remained positive and sees this as a sign that she needs to move on still further with her life and start to fulfil some of her dreams., , She said the loss of their home was a sign urging her to move on and that nothing connects her to her small village anymore., , She added: “I will soon go for a free operation in Moscow, but I need money for rehabilitation. A TV show promised to help me get a visa to go to the US and have an operation there, but it never happened.”, , She said: “I didn’t study or work. I didn’t even get a job. I have accepted I will never be chosen for any jobs because of my appearance.”, , The family is now looking for a new home in a larger town or city where they hope to be able to turn around their fortunes., , (T4 / ends)

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1948, la voiture du futur

, 07:09

Davis Divian 1948 voiture du futur.jpg, mai 2023
1948, la voiture du futur
Davis Divian
Pour tout constructeur automobile en plein essor, les années qui ont suivi la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont dû ressembler à une ruée vers l'or. La soif des acheteurs américains pour de nouvelles voitures, la disponibilité de nouvelles technologies, de nouveaux matériaux et de nouvelles capacités de production développés pendant la guerre, ainsi que l'optimisme général qui imprégnait le pays, faisaient que tout semblait possible, aussi peu conventionnel soit-il.

C'est là qu'intervient le Davis Divan, merveilleusement excentrique et inimitable. Produit de l'esprit de Glen Gordon "Gary" Davis, un vendeur de voitures d'occasion de l'Indiana, le Divan était vaguement basé sur une pièce unique du légendaire designer d'Indycar Frank Kurtis. La Davis Divan sauvage à trois roues était présentée comme la voiture du futur : un bolide aérodynamique économe en carburant, doté d'une carrosserie en aluminium, pouvant accueillir - de manière un peu optimiste - quatre adultes et ne coûtant que 1000 dollars. Malheureusement, après avoir dilapidé plus d'un million de dollars en contrats de concessionnaires et en acomptes, Davis a été condamné pour fraude et la Davis Company a été fermée par la justice.

Cet exemplaire de 1948 est la troisième Davis Divan produite et l'une des douzaines d'exemplaires connus. Avant lui, il y avait eu deux prototypes, c'est le premier exemplaire de série de ce modèle rare. Après la liquidation, la voiture est partie pour le Michigan, où elle a été rangée en silence pendant la majeure partie de sa vie ; des photos montrent que la Divan, bien qu'en piteux état, était en grande partie complète. C'est là qu'il a été découvert en 2011 par ses derniers propriétaires, qui sont devenus de fervents admirateurs de Davis. Sous leur garde, il a été restauré dans son aspect métallique brun actuel et avec un intérieur bicolore beige et brun.

La Davis Divan est équipée d'un moteur Hercules 4 cylindres à tête en L avec une boîte de vitesses manuelle à trois rapports, d'un toit rigide amovible en fibre de verre et d'un intérieur fraîchement rénové. RM Sotheby's mettra aux enchères l'une des voitures les plus inhabituelles de l'histoire le 5 mars à Amelia Island - il s'agit d'un fascinant personnage à l'histoire tout aussi fascinante.

source : Le Magazine Automobile Suisse

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je suis là pour te protéger

, 06:45

Triumph Of The Will The Challenge Detail James Tissot 1877 serpent je suis là pour te protéger.jpg, mai 2023
je suis là pour te protéger
Triumph Of The Will, The Challenge (Detail), James Tissot, 1877
alt : un chevalier debout (moi), surplombant une femme couchée, aux seins nus, dans une position défensive, tient en respect un nid de serpents

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les intelligences naturelles sont elles amenées à supplanter les IA ?

, 08:08

les intelligences naturelles sont elles amenées à supplanter les IA ?
Shakuntala Devi, The Indian who was known as a human computer for her mental math skills
tag : AI

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