Bretzel liquide, humour noir, propos absurdes et photos étranges

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le monde des objets

, 07:21

Alcrego : The Vanish of Vanity
"This video loop was captured in an immense antique and second-hand shop that was full of objects from all kinds of cultures, ethnicities, eras and even it seemed that from other planets. Mixing the two main aisles of this warehouse creates an eternal zoom-out that aims to evoke the passage of time and how things, despite being inert, prevail.

The ambience sound was recorded in the same place and slowed down 10 times (by Coio).

(Photography / Video Edition / Sound Design). Video loop (2mins)

  • note: If you look at the center of this piece for 15 seconds or more and then look away, an optical illusion is generated. The longer you look at it, the more the illusion is perceived."

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toi aussi, joue à faire grandir Marine le Pen et a essayer de te débarrasser du rassemblement national

, 07:10

Space Tokusatsu Series Captain Ultra ✭ 1967 ✭ キャプテンウルトラ Marine le Pen, croissance et destruction.gif, juin 2021
Space Tokusatsu Series Captain Ultra ✭ 1967 ✭ キャプテンウルトラ

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le matin

, 06:20

Oli Scarff An inflatable pig flies above Battersea Power Station in a recreation of Pink Floyd's 'Animals' album cover on September 26 2011 in London, England.png, juin 2021
Oli Scarff :An inflatable pig flies above Battersea Power Station in a recreation of Pink Floyd's 'Animals' album cover on September 26 2011 in London, England
tags : lever de porc, cochon

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elle passait des journées entières à s'hydrater

, 14:41

elle passait ses journées à s'hydrater.gif, juin 2021
tag : canicule

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tu veux une boisson fraîche ?

, 16:26

Cristina Rizzi Guelfi tu veux une boisson fraîche.jpg, juin 2021
photographe : Cristina Rizzi Guelfi

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